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How to prevent Glaucoma?

How to prevent Glaucoma

Well, that silent thief of sight is known as Glaucoma. Vibrant colors, captivating sites, faces of your loved ones…

What if one day due to a silent thief, you start losing your sight bit by bit and everything starts blurring?

Do you know – Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide? Around 3 million Americans are suffering from glaucoma.

This sneaky condition often comes without any warning and damages your optic nerve which in turn affects your vision.

But don’t worry! This blog post gives you information about the eye disorder and how to prevent glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve (responsible for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain) irreversibly. 

There are no noticeable symptoms that develop regarding this condition – which is why it is often called a “silent thief of sight.” There are two types of glaucoma, i.e., open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma.

Also Read: 5 Things Your Eye Test Might Reveal About Your Health

Early Detection: 

Regular eye exams can help you to detect glaucoma early. And remember, being proactive and detecting it early can actually make a lot of difference.

As of now, there is no cure for glaucoma, but in case you detect it early, you can preserve your vision and also post-pone blindness. So take action before it’s too late!

If you are looking for professional help, visit PVRI – the best hospital for your eye care

   Practical tips to detect Glaucoma early:

Here are a few practical tips to detect glaucoma and safeguard your precious vision:

  • Know your family history

Glaucoma can run in families – this means you should be well aware of the family history of eye diseases, including glaucoma. Early detection and prevention can help you prevent this issue. If you have a family history, undergo glaucoma screening for your eyes.

Keep systemic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and other comorbidities under control, and regularly screen your eyes.

Patients who are on steroids in any form to check eye pressure on a regular basis.

Also Read: Types and causes of eye infection

Treatment Options for Glaucoma:

Once diagnosed, doctors start medical therapy in the form of eye drops and attempt to keep the disease under control.

If medical therapy does not control it, doctors use laser or surgical means to bring the disease under control.

Compliance with medications and regular follow-ups becomes crucial once diagnosed with glaucoma.

If you have glaucoma, educate your family members about it and encourage your loved ones to undergo glaucoma screenings. By taking proactive steps, you can safeguard your precious vision for years to come.

Categories : Eye Disease and Treatment

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