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Headache Behind Right, Left or Both Eyes – Causes & Treatment

Headache behind eyes

There is a positive side and a negative side to having a headache. The positive one is that you definitely have a head. The negative side is that your eyes might need a check-up. 

What is a headache behind the eyes?

We all experience a headache sometimes, and we usually power through it, as it may not indicate to be a serious issue if it happens occasionally. However, if you are having pain behind any or both of your eyes, then that is a situation you should not ignore. 

A headache behind your eyes can indicate something serious. It may be a sign of a tension headache, cluster headache, or a sinus headache, due to your allergies or sinus problems, if you have any. 

The headaches that are caused to stress or strain can be cured easily by an over-the-counter painkiller. But, certain types of headaches may make it difficult for you to perform your day-to-day activities, and cause you unbearable pain. That is when you should take an appointment with your doctor. 

Causes of headache behind the eyes 

A headache behind your eyes can be caused due to multiple reasons, and it may be a tedious task to narrow it down to what exactly is causing it. The first step should be to identify the type of pain you are experiencing. 

  1. Sinus headache: Allergy season is the worst, isn’t it? This type of headache usually occurs during the allergy season or is caused due to a severe allergic reaction. You can easily mistake them for migraines and cluster headaches, as the symptoms mimic each other. 
  1. Migraine: Migraine can cause immense pain behind your eyes. If you or anyone suffers from migraines, their triggers may be different than others. For example, for some people, migraines are accompanied by hormone changes, poor posture or diet, tension, mood changes, medication, stress or anxiety. 
  2. Cluster headache: Cluster headaches are more common among men, than in women. It occurs in cycles, and it is difficult to find the root cause of it, as it may be even genetic. 
  1. Tension headache: Tension headaches are caused due to various reasons, such as closely focusing on one thing for a long time, a long and tiring drive through traffic, long hours of screen time, and much more. These are combined with head or neck muscle contractions. 

Here are the causes that may result in one of the above mentioned four types of headaches: 

  1. Not getting enough sleep 
  2. Dehydration
  3. Excess consumption of alcohol or caffeine 
  4. High stress levels 
  5. Hormonal changes 
  6. Environmental factors, such as certain smells or constant flickering of lights 
  7. Eye strain 
  8. Allergic reactions
  9. Genetic reasons 
  10. Illness or infections 
  11. Hunger 

How can you prevent these headaches? 

Prevention is better than cure, right? Preventing these headaches means steering clear of your triggers. There are certain lifestyle changes you would be required to make to prevent these types of headaches from occurring. 

  1. Understand your triggers and stay away from them 
  2. Regular physical activity
  3. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and processed food 
  4. Quit smoking 
  5. Take a break to destress yourself 
  6. Take regular breaks from the screen you work on 

Treatment for headache behind the eyes 

As we have mentioned there are a lot of reasons why you could be suffering from a headache behind the eyes, and it is not necessary that every time you need to visit a doctor. Here is a list of at-home remedies for you: 

  1. Use ice packs 
  2. Make some dietary changes 
  3. Exercise regularly 
  4. Reduce alcohol and smoking 
  5. Over-the-counter pain medications can also help 

However, if you are facing severe pain after this, you should consult your doctor and get a comprehensive health checkup to determine the reason for your headache. 


Pain behind your eyes can be caused due to several reasons and can be accompanied by various symptoms. While most headaches may go away with some medication, in some cases you could be required to undergo further treatment. 

When your pain has been persisting for some time, you should visit a doctor and get a checkup, before it leads to anything else. 

Categories : Eye Disease and Treatment

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