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AI Enabled Diabetic Retinopathy screening program

AI Enabled Diabetic Retinopathy screening program

Retinopathy of Prematurity

Use of artificial intelligence in medicine in an evolving technology which holds promise for mass screening and perhaps may even help in establishing an accurate diagnosis

The ability of complex computing is to perform pattern recognition by creating complex relationships based on input data and then comparing it with performance standards is a big step. Diabetic retinopathy is an ever-increasing problem. Early screening and timely treatment of the same can reduce the burden of sight-threatening retinopathy. Any tool which can aid in the quick screening of this disorder and minimize the requirement of trained human resource for the same would probably be a boon for patients and ophthalmologists. In this review, we discuss the current status of use of artificial intelligence in diabetic retinopathy and a few other common retinal disorders.


We work globally through alliances and partnerships with local partners – non-government organisations (NGOs), governments, donors and businesses – to prevent avoidable blindness and rehabilitate people who are blind.

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